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A La Carte (9/7)

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Wrestling with an Angel – Dan Cruver writes, “Greg Lucas’ Wrestling with An Angel: A Story of Love, Disability and the Lessons of Grace is one of the top 5 books I have read over the past 12 months. Few books are able to take the reader on a journey further into the Gospel as you move through their pages.” He goes on to interview Greg Lucas.

The Mechanic Muse – This is a great article from the NY Times. I’m not sure that I agree that the greatest feat of the printed book is allowing us to read non-linearly (though certainly anyone who has tried to skim a book on a Kindle has seen how much more difficult is). Still, the article is a great read and gives words to what a lot of us are thinking about the transition from printed books to ebooks.

An Exemplary Recipient of Grace – Parents will do well to read this and to ponder it a little bit: “One of the biggest struggles I have as a father to three boys and a girl is fighting the urge to pretend that I have it all together. To reduce what it means to lead my children and be their example to merely keeping all the rules myself.” (HT)

Reverent Contemplation – Things like this are always a little bit forced, but they are also a good opportunity to do some reverent contemplation.

9/11 Ten Years Later – You can download the most recent issue of Ligonier’s Tabletalk magazine for free if you like. It reflects on 9/11 ten years later.

In My Seat – Speaking of 9/11, here is a video about the man who should have been piloting American Airlines Flight 11. He has a powerful testimony.

In an effort to get the work of the Lord done, we often lose contact with the Lord of the work.

—A.W. Tozer

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