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A La Carte (9/4)

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Thinking Evangelically About Tim Tebow – Jared Wilson: “I’m a little concerned about the way many of my fellow evangelicals think about the phenomenon that is Tim Tebow, and I’m a little concerned about the way Tim Tebow may think about the phenomenon that is Tim Tebow. I think in general evangelicals could think more evangelically — which is to say, guided by the gospel, soberly.”

An Eternal Perspective – I enjoyed this interview with Randy Alcorn from the current issue of Tabletalk magazine.

The History of the World – You may have seen this before. It’s an amazing “histomap” that displays all of world history (up to 1931, anyway) in a single image. It’s incredible.

The Gray Havens – Tomorrow evening The Gray Havens, a band I like (see this interview I did with them) will be performing live on UStream in case you’re interested. You can listen to their album on Bandcamp.

Are You a Calvinist? – I am all for rethinking what labels we use and how we use them. This article provides some good food for thought.

A Warning Against Division – R.C. Sproul goes back to the Reformation to find a warning against division within the church.

Zzzzzz – I’ve been enjoying the comic strip Adam4d. His latest one is about falling asleep while praying.

God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.

—Hudson Taylor

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