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A La Carte (9/4)

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Christian Tribalism – Thabiti: “Dare anyone deny that Christians are among the most tribal of peoples in the world? I’m not thinking of the way Christians may legitimately distinguish the church from the world, the saved from the lost, or the way lines must necessarily be drawn between orthodox and heretical views, or even about denominations (as Trueman likes to point out: “Denominations mean that somebody somewhere still believes something”). Rather, I’m thinking about the way Christians divide and gather, further divide and gather into value-based societies distinct from and uncooperative with one another.”

Is Bigger Better? – “A global survey conducted by Christian Schwartz found that smaller churches consistently scored higher than large churches in seven out of eight qualitative characteristics of a healthy church. A more recent study of churches in America, conducted by Ed Stetzer and Life Way Ministries, revealed that churches of two hundred or less are four times more likely to plant a daughter church than churches of one thousand or more.”

How Alcohol Makes You Drunk – You know that alcohol makes you drunk, but do you know how? This article explains.

A Case for Cessationism – I appreciate Jared Moore’s case for cessationism, and, to varying degrees, agree with the points he makes.

Confronting an Abuser – Justin and Lindsey Holcomb offer counsel on confronting an abuser.

Fake Book Reviews – Here’s something to keep in mind when reading book reviews online: there are an awful lot of fake reviews out there. One would like to think this is less of a problem in Christian publishing. But…

Wonderful Wallpapers – Here are some beautiful wallpapers for your computer, tablet, phone, etc.

Do not work so hard for Christ that you have no strength to pray, for prayer requires strength.

—Hudson Taylor

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