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A La Carte (9/4)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Morning and Evening Podcast
ChristianAudio offers a podcast of Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening [twice] daily devotional.

Phil Wickham Online
ConversantLife is streaming a concert tonight featuring Phil Wickham. “Phil will be playing acoustic versions of songs from his forthcoming record, Heaven & Earth, explaining the unique stories behind each of them and how they weave together in his fast-approaching new release.”

Reel Discernment
From Focus on the Family: “We’re excited to announce the premiere of our new movie review for young adults called Reel Discernment featuring Plugged In’s Bob Waliszewski and Cheryl Wilhelmi. Each week Bob and Cheryl will give us a quick look into what we can expect from the new releases.” The first episode is very well done and I look forward to making this a weekly stop!

Deal of the Day: Fab Fridays
CBD has some good deals in this week’s Fab Friday. They’ve got John MacArthur’s From Ordinary to Extraordinary: A Yearlong Devotional to Discover What God Wants to Do with You as well as The Truth War for just $3.99. They also have the hardcover ESV Study Bible on at $24.99.

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