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A La Carte (9/3)

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Recovering Confession – “Confession used to occupy an important place in the liturgy of corporate worship. But outside of a general admission that we are sinners, or the specific confession of the one ‘big sin’ in our life, confession seems to have become something largely forgotten.” I’m not sure I agree that confession has gone missing, but I do think we can all use some biblical wisdom on why and how to do it.

Telling Your Story – This is worth thinking about: “Anyone who’s ever taken a class on how to share their faith has heard some well-intentioned teacher say, ‘You don’t need to learn a lot of big words. Just tell them your story. Just tell them how Jesus changed your life. No one can argue with that’.” But is that the biblical model?

Preaching Matters – Preachers will want to keep an eye on St. Helen’s Bishopgate’s site and their monthly “Preaching Matters” interviews.

A Single Hope – Here are some helpful thoughts on singleness. “As a 32 year old single man, who had to do some thinking about it recently I thought I would share some thought that others found helpful and hopefully it will help me clarify some of my thinking.” (HT)

The Language Game – There are thousands of languages in the world. This game gives you short clips of many of them and asks you to identify them.

Abandoned Amusement Parks – Is there anything creepier than an abandoned amusement park?

If we only spent more of our time in looking at Him we should soon forget ourselves.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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