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A La Carte (9/28)

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The ‘Religious People’ Boogeyman – This is a fantastic response to some of the discussion surrounding Perry Noble. “‘Pharisee,’ ‘legalist,’ ‘religious person’ is the church version of racist or Nazi. It is the rhetorical nuclear option specifically designed to shut up anyone with questions and paint them among their brothers and sisters as graceless jerks. But I think it actually works the other way around…”

Multi-Site Is from Satan – Thabiti Anyabwile offers a tongue-in-cheek title but a serious article about some of the drawbacks to the multi-site model of doing church.

Iranian Pastor May Be Executed – “This seems a huge story to me, but has been ignored by all but conservative media outlets. Apparently, an Iranian pastor may soon be executed for apostasy because he refuses to recant his Christian faith.”

The Perseus Collection – Logos has announced that they are giving away 1,500 free books to whoever cares to download them. “The Perseus Collections are focused primarily on Greek and Latin classics, like Aristotle and Plato. They also cover the history, literature, philosophy, and culture of the Greco-Roman world—important contextual sources for biblical scholars.”

Why Can’t I Own Canadians? – Michael Horton writes a response to an open letter written to Dr. Laura Schlesinger. Long story. Just read it.

Lost – John Piper speaks.

The godly have some good in them, therefore the devil afflicts them; and some evil in them, therefore God afflicts them.

—Thomas Watson

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