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A La Carte (9/25)

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Tuesday September 25, 2007

Cruel Logic
Brian Godawa illustrates the importance of absolute values in an intense short film I stumbled across yesterday.

Tullian’s Smaller List of Books
In response to my post a few days ago, “A Small List of Good Books,” some have asked me to provide a smaller list of books geared more specifically toward helping a young Christian grow in their understanding and application of the Christian faith.

Piper on Pre-Order
Logos just announced the prepublication of the John Piper Sermon Manuscript Library. Jacob Hantla explains why we should be excited.

More Must-Read Mohler
Al Mohler posts on “Arrested Development and the Civilizational Crisis.”

Homeless on Tuesday
I happened upon this blog yesterday and enjoyed it a great deal. It tells the story of what’s happening at a ministry serving the poor and the homeless.

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