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A La Carte (9/25)

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T-Wax Interviews JT
Trevin Wax posts the second part of an interview he conducted with Justin Taylor. They talk about the forthcoming ESV Study Bible.

The Blind Spot in Spiritual Formation
Craig Brian Larson addresses a blind spot in the spiritual formation movement. “Read books on spiritual formation and you will be hard-pressed to find listening to the preaching of God’s Word mentioned as a first-order spiritual discipline in its own right.”

Is Success a Hindrance to Marriage?
“A few months ago, the subtitle of an MSN article caught my attention: ‘Today’s talented, ambitious women are staying single in droves. Are they too busy, too picky or — horrors — too awesome?’”

PluggedIn Reviews Fireproof
“This is the kind of movie that succeeds, sometimes despite itself, because it does a superlative job of digging into serious issues that so deeply affect so many of us every day.”

Jollyblogger looks at an article discussing human nature and controlling parents.

From Stand to Reason: “Read this billboard and then read Greg [Koukl’s] most recent Solid Ground article that explains why John Lennon’s song (which inspired the billboard’s text) is devoid of the hope it envisions.”

The Precious Gift of Baby Talk
An interesting article from John Piper. “Jesus spoke baby talk. The Sermon on the Mount is our baby talk. His high priestly prayer in John 17 is baby talk. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” is baby talk. Infinitely precious, true, glorious baby talk.”

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