Photos That Make You Say ‘Wow’
Here is a roundup of some of the winners in the inaugural British Wildlife Photography Awards.
Toronto Pastors Fellowship
Monday marks the season’s first Toronto Pastors Fellowship. If you are a Toronto-area pastor, you will want to check it out.
The United States’ Credit Score
‘Loans and Credit’ figures out the US’ credit score based on FICO criteria. Things aren’t looking particularly good.
My Church or Kingdom?
Ray Ortlund: Suppose I said, “My passion isn’t to build up my marriage. My passion is for Marriage. I want the institution of Marriage to be revered again. I’ll work for that. I’ll pray for that. I’ll sacrifice for that. But don’t expect me to hunker down in the humble daily realities of building a great marriage with my wife Jani. I’m aiming at something grander.”
Why You Should Learn Biblical Languages
Here are a couple of video clips in which Westminster Seminary professor Elizabeth Groves explains why learning the biblical languages is so important.