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A La Carte (9/24)

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Isaiah’s Mission Trip – This is sweet: “Isaiah is probably the only seven-year-old who loves to watch sermons on his iPad. One of his favorites is the John Piper video podcast. He’ll pull them up all by himself and just sit there and watch them over and over again. One day I asked him why he like to watch sermons so much, and he just smiled and said ‘happy’.”

Subscribe to Tabletalk – Canadians are now able to take advantage of an offer Americans have had for a long time: a free 3-month trial subscription to Ligonier’s Tabletalk magazine.

What If You Stopped Sleeping? – As this video explains, you’d pretty much be a mess.

My Friend Jesus – Jared Wilson wants to tell you about his friend Jesus.

GTA V and Children – Yesterday I wrote about the new video game Grand Theft Auto V. Here is an article from Kotaku, a major gaming site, where a writer says, “Last week my store sold over a thousand copies of GTA V, at least a hundred of which were sold to parents for children who could barely even see over my counter.”

Eye of the Bee-Holder – These are some amazing photos of bees. Yes, bees.

You shall never make a missionary of the person who does no good at home.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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