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A La Carte (9/24)

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I Do Not Permit…
There are some people who have the ability to so easily and succinctly refute an argument. D.A. Carson does that in this short video clip which deals with Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 2 where he says, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man…”

The Pharmaceutical Umbrella
This article, a very interesting one, shows how the whole world benefits from America’s free market health care system. “Imagine that it’s 1962, the hottest point of the Cold War, and that you’re reading a report comparing two countries’ strategies for resisting the Soviet menace. The United States, the report points out, spends billions of dollars a year on troops, tanks, warships, and missiles, while France spends a tiny fraction of that. Nevertheless, France and America are both unscathed by Soviet bombs. Therefore, the report concludes, France’s Cold War strategy is far more efficient than America’s.”

Ed Stetzer Interview
I enjoyed reading this brief interview with Ed Stetzer in which he speaks about technology, the future of seminaries, family life and higher education.

Microsoft’s Tablet
Speaking of technology, I’m loving all the talk today about tablets. I can see a device like this one playing a very important role in my life in the near future (though here’s hoping that Apple delivers something even better).

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