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A La Carte (9/23)

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Mourn With Kenya – Cornell, a believer in Kenya whose blog I frequent, cries out for prayer for his country after a savage act of terrorism. You can read more about it at Christianity Today.

What Is the Front Porch? – The Front Porch is a new web site from Thabiti Anyabwile, Louis Love, and Tony Carter that aims to be a place for conversations on biblical faithfulness in African-American churches and beyond.

Suffering Service – An article on depression: “I feel like there’s a weight around my neck, a fog blanketing me. People seem to talk slowly, and my brain functions on just two cylinders. I go to sleep okay at night, but I am awake again at 4am, and by the time I get out of bed I will still be tired. A cup of coffee clears the mist for an hour or two, but then I am back deeper in it than before. Little problems are starting to feel insurmountable, and I often wonder, ‘Can I deal with this?’”

The Miracle Next to You – “God gave me you to be my miracle. That’s the banner over our relationships in the church. God performs the miracle of our growth in godliness through people — Holy-Spirit-filled people in our lives and churches.”

The God of the Ordinary – Michael Horton continues to write valuable thoughts about ordinary Christianity. Anyone else starting to think he’s going to do a book on this?

Crazy Busy – Kevin DeYoung’s new book Crazy Busy releases today, and Westminster Books has it at 50% off; you can get an even deeper discount if you buy 5 or more copies.

The Son of God came to seek us where we are in order that he might bring us to be with him where he is.

—J.I. Packer

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