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A La Carte (9/21)

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Dan Brown’s 20 Worst Sentences
I thoroughly enjoyed this roundup of the worst twenty sentences found in books written by Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown. A favorite: “My French stinks, Langdon thought, but my zodiac iconography is pretty good.”

Spec Work
There has been a lot of talk recently in the design biz about spec work (where multiple people complete work and a client only pays for the work he actually chooses). Church Marketing Sucks has “An Open Letter to Rick Warren about Spec Work” in which they talk about some of the pitfalls of this kind of work.

The Gospel Coalition Reloaded
The Gospel Coalition has released a new version of their site. Blog readers will be interested to see that Justin Taylor has elected to move his blog to TGC.

Why Do So Many NFL Players Go Bankrupt?
This is an interesting article that discusses why it is that so many football players go bankrupt shortly after their careers end.

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