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A La Carte (9/2)

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The Day They Tried to Recruit Me
From Carl Trueman: “I arrived on Faculty at Westminster in the summer of 2001. I had only been on campus for a couple of months before a group of students approached me one lunchtime and tried to recruit me to a most sinister and dangerous cult. … The offer I received was far more dangerous than anything such groups might have made to me. The request was simple: would I be willing to meet with a particular group of students every two weeks in a local bar or restaurant to talk theology?”

Ending Abortion: A Pipe Dream?
Timmy Brister provides video of the contrasting views of Donald Miller and John Piper.

The Best Thing About Sarah Palin
Andy Crouch explains the best thing about Sarah Palin. “The choice of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate has all sorts of interesting political implications, which are being diced and parsed as I write. But I’m more interested in the long-term cultural implications of the choice of Palin…”

Background on the Violence in India
Phil Johnson offers some important background information about the escalating persecution of Christians in India.

Silly Shirts
EatBible is offering a week’s worth of serious talk about silly (or worse) Jesus Junk t-shirts.

The Tattoo Fashion
A great article in “First Things.” “I ask myself, is it surprising that in an age with so few binding commitments postmodern men and women seek symbols of permanence etched into their bodies?”

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