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A La Carte (9/18)

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Who Your Children Really Are – It is good to remind ourselves: “Inasmuch as they embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, your children were created to be your brothers and sisters. And so, every child in your household should be seen first and foremost not as your son or your daughter but as a potential or actual brother or sister in Christ.”

Acting the MiracleActing the Miracle, a book based on last year’s Desiring God annual conference, is a free download in PDF format.

Mental Illness and the Church – Ed Stetzer: “Yesterday’s tragic shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. was yet another reminder of the fragility of life. Unfortunately this horrific occurrence, like others before it, could possibly have been avoided.” He tells about a new study from Lifeway that looks at Christian attitudes to mental illness.

Prison Rape – It’s no laughing matter. “The Department of Justice recently announced that it has begun to implement new prison rape regulations outlined ten years ago in the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Here are nine things you should know about prison rape.”

Man Finds Calling at Age 80 – “I. Hate. Waiting. With a zealous passion that probably borders on the psychopathic. … Why is it a problem? Because God does some of his deepest, most profound, most heart-changing work in times of waiting.”

Evangelical Chaplains – Dr. Mohler asks, “Can chaplains committed to historic biblical Christianity serve in the United States military? That question, though inconceivable to our nation’s founders, is now front and center. And the answer to that question will answer another, even more important question: Can religious liberty survive under America’s new moral order?”

Satan greatly approves of our railing at each other, but God does not.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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