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A La Carte (9/17)

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Harsh Language
Nathan Busenitz provides his take on “John Piper, Mark Driscoll, and Harsh Language.”

On Abortion and Voting
Josh Harris writes about a difficult subject. “Recently a couple pursuing membership in our church wrote me a very thoughtful, humble letter with questions generated by the recent sermon ‘Don’t Waste Your Vote.’ In particular, they took issue with the emphasis placed on the issue of abortion. While pro-life themselves, they felt that by highlighting abortion we were essentially endorsing a particular party.”

A Theological Vision for Families
This three-part series on the family, written by Andrew Nichols, is a good bookmark for just about anyone. He wonders if Satan is more concerned about the families in your church than you are and then provides a solid theological vision for families.

Christian Film This Fall
CT has a roundup of some of the Christian films coming our way this fall.

A Too-Quiet Plane?
Here’s some strange news. The new Airbus A380 is so quiet that customers are complaining; Airbus may have to provide background music or white noise in order to placate their customers.

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