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A La Carte (9/13)

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Guys Are Flaming Out – “According to psychologist Philip Zimbardo, young men in America are doomed–at least they are educationally, relationally, and sexually. As he says at the beginning of his recent TED Talks video, ‘The Demise of Guys,’ Guys are flaming out academically, they’re wiping out relationally with girls, and sexually with women. Other than that, there’s not much of a problem.”

The Leniency of the Lord – R.W. Glenn reflects on the leniency of the Lord.

The Pastoral “I Don’t Know” – There’s something very frustrating about people who have no ability to admit “I don’t know.” Jared Wilson explains why pastors need to be able to say this.

Contentment in Ministry – Here’s another excellent article on ministry. It looks at the importance of finding contentment in the right things. Non-pastors will benefit from reading it too!

Through the Eyes of Spurgeon – Here’s a Kickstarter campaign worth getting behind. “ has compiled Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s best quotes arranged by subject + scripture into a must-have book.”

3-2-1 – Here’s an excellent video that simply explains the gospel.

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.

—John Calvin

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