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A La Carte (9/12)

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Suspicious Minds – Nancy Pearcey: “Republican presidential candidates have been put on notice: Your theological convictions are fair game in the upcoming election. Bill Keller, executive editor at the New York Times, fired the first shot in a fiercely debated column and blog in which he proposed ‘Tougher Questions for the Candidates.’” Nancy answers critcisms he made against her book.

Deadliest Pandemics – An infographic outlining the world’s deadliest outbreaks.

Maccabee’s: The Movie – “Mel Gibson, the Oscar winner who has defended himself against accusations of anti-Semitism, is developing a film for Warner Bros. about the life of Judah Maccabee, the warrior whose ancient victory is celebrated by Hanukkah.”

Check-In to Church – Nathan Bingham argues that there is good value in checking-in to church on Facebook.

Water: The New Oil – “Human consumption of water isn’t yet fully demonized and politicized, but Water: The Exhibition — mounted in association with the American Museum of Natural History and other institutions — clearly aims to nudge water onto the political map. With graphics, voiceovers, videos, morally loaded language, eerie music and a few live animals, the water exhibit builds its message: Water is a limited resource that is threatened and wasted around the world, and it is time we all did something about it.”

The Briefing – Matthias Media has moved its magazine The Briefing online. It’s definitely worth adding to your list of sites to visit.

How much of the staple of our conversation consists in complaint!

—C.H. Spurgeon

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