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A La Carte (9/11)

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Happy Birthday Dear – R.C. Sproul Jr.: “When we look to the future, most of us I suspect expect to at least hit our three score and ten. Given the widespread strength in the west, still others are confident they will see four score years. We all acknowledge that we don’t know the future, and that we are all living on borrowed time. Sometimes God reminds us.”

What Binds Up Broken Relationships – “It doesn’t matter where you live, what you do for a living, or how you spend your free time, you have experienced, are experiencing, or will experience the wreckage of broken relationships.”

Confession – “In some churches, nobody admits anything. Confession would be foolhardy, because it would be used as evidence against, rather than for, a person. If not dead already, such a church eventually will be. But God welcomes all of us sinners to confess and get free forever. It’s like being born again again.”

The Dangerous Pit of Uniqueness – “The one that convinces himself that he is special immediately disconnects himself from the rest of society. Nobody has ever walked in your shoes. Therefore, you can easily conclude that no person is fit to speak truth into your life. Until they walk a mile in your shoes they have no way of understanding.”

Make Love Your Aim – “Was I operating in a gift of mercy? Or was I operating in a gift of administration? What about healing? Shouldn’t I have stopped to consider my spiritual gifts before offering to help? What if I didn’t have the gift of mercy (definitely an asset when dealing with those who suffer)? What if I didn’t have the gift of administration? Would I lose all the proper paperwork and make a mess of things? Honestly, it didn’t matter.”

How Safe Is Your Treasure? – Here’s a thought-provoking song.

It was God’s word that made us; is it any wonder that his word should sustain us?

—C.H. Spurgeon

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