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A La Carte (9/10)

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7 Ways to Get in the Word – Here are seven ways for busy moms to get into God’s Word every day, even with all of their distractions and responsibilities.

Seven Sutherland Sisters – I love quirky stories from days gone by. Collectors Weekly has the tale of the seven Sutherland sisters and their 37 feet of hair.

Preaching that Increases Sin – Jared Wilson warns that your preaching might actually increase sin in those who hear it. “We tread lightly here, but I fear we vastly underestimate the spiritual damage inflicted on our churches by ‘How To’ sermons without an explicit gospel connection.”

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – This is quite a powerful series from Russ Ramsey who writes about being diagnosed with and treated for a serious illness.

How to Serve Families With Disability – Serving families with disability is an area where many people struggle, so read this article from John Knight.

Our Make-Believe Parents – “In Sunday School rooms across a wide spectrum of churches, you will find Bible storybooks that, around page one, display pictures of Adam and Eve, … It’s the beginning of our story, and the beginning is sometimes as important as the end. But that reality, and more importantly our first parents’ existence, has been and continues to be challenged and denied by some voices even within the church.”

The Prince of the power of the air seems to bend all the force of his attack against the spirit of prayer.

—Andrew Bonar

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