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A La Carte (9/1)

A La Carte Collection cover image

A Wife’s Testing Ground – “Some of my most scary moments as a wife have been when my husband has struggled. Some of my most intimate encounters with Jesus have been when my husband has struggled. As a wife, each of us has faced or will encounter one of these scenarios…”

Church Size – “I was recently asked this question by a pastor greatly troubled that he felt he was not being faithful in this command in Hebrews 13:17 for pastors to ‘watch over souls as one who will give an account.’ Knowing the rest of us charged to watch over souls should all possess a bit of uneasiness on this matter, here was my response…”

Clouds – “For his project ‘Cloud Collection’, photographer Rüdiger Nehmzow went about four miles off the ground and photographed clouds through the open door of the plane. With no glass between Nehmzow and the sky to muddy up the shots, the resulting photographs are absolutely stunning.”

10 Commandments of Steve Jobs – There are some good (and some not so good) leadership principles here.

Parenting and Prayer – I enjoyed Grace’s thoughts on the importance of prayer in parenting (Grace happens to be my youngest sister which makes that naughty little Cora my niece).

Irene NYC – Two young filmmakers went out during Hurricane Irene to document their Manhattan neighborhood.

To say “Never mind doctrine, let’s get on with evangelism,” is as ridiculous as a football team saying, “Never mind about a ball, let’s get on with the game.”

—Peter Lewis

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