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A La Carte (8/8)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The Westboro Cult – I’m all for this. It is abundantly clear to most Americans that the “Westboro Baptist Church” is neither “Baptist” nor a “church” according to any commonly accepted meaning of either word. As a Christ follower, and a long time church attender, I enter this plea to stop using the phrase “Westboro Baptist Church” in favor of the more accurate “the Westboro cult.”

50 Shades of Grey – Redeemed Reader recently interviewed me about the mega-selling 50 Shades trilogy.

Reading the Landscape – “Do you ever wonder what you’re seeing when you look out of your airplane window and spot bizarre red pools or strange green circles on the ground below? You’re not alone. We talked to Gregory Dicum, author of the incredible aerial landscape guide Window Seat, about the weirdest and most beautiful views from an airplane.”

The Packer/Sproul Sale – Westminster Books is having a great sale on titles by J.I. Packer and R.C. Sproul.

Disturbing Trends – In his foreword to a new book by R.C. Sproul, Michael Horton lists four disturbing trends he sees in the contemporary church.

Fighting for Sanctification – Tony Reinke does battle with this kind of logic: “We know that God hates sin. And although we fight sin in ourselves, no matter how hard we try, we will always find a lamentable degree of remaining sin on this side of glorification. Therefore, God must be perpetually angry with me.”

The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.

—Kevin DeYoung

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