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A La Carte (8/6)

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How Is Too Hard – Sometimes I feel like we intrude upon other people’s grief in this online world. Then again, we often share our grief in order to let other people into it. I found this a very moving account of the grief of losing a child; I trust it will better equip me to love those going through similar grief. (You can click on the two most recent posts in the sidebar for further context.)

Your Past and Your Children – Aimee Byrd asks an important question: “What do I say when my children ask me about my past? It’s not rated G. It’s not rated PG. I’m unsure about how much to reveal.”

Faith in a Fallen Empire – People all around the world are fascinated with Detroit’s decline. An article in Christianity Today discusses Christian witness there. “Detroit’s list of maladies is long. But some Christians’ commitment to its renewal is longer.”

6 Reasons Men Are Opting Out of Marriage – “More and more men are choosing not to go to school, not to get a job, and not to get married. If similar numbers of women were doing the same, someone would raise the alarm, but since men are the ones opting out, the problem has been mostly met with silence.”

No Squishy Love – Timothy George: “Sin, judgment, cross, even Christ have become problematic terms in much contemporary theological discourse, but nothing so irritates and confounds as the idea of divine wrath. Recently, the wrath of God became a point of controversy in the decision of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song to exclude from its new hymnal the much-loved song “In Christ Alone” by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend.”

If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where would I be now?.

—C.S. Lewis

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