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A La Carte (8/31)

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When To Be Suspicious – There is some wise counsel in this article. “Once in a while you will stumble across a sentence that goes something like ‘theology says…’, ‘philosophy says..’, or ‘economics says..’. That is, I would argue, is the time to be suspicious.”

Public Worship Is Better than Private Worship – David Murray goes to the old preacher David Clarkson and offers twelve reasons why public worship is better than private worship.

Pornography Robs a Man – Ed Welch discusses why pornography robs a man of his humanness.

Bad History – “Earlier this month, George Mason University’s History News Network asked readers to vote for the least credible history book in print. The top pick was David Barton’s right-wing reimagining of our third president, Jefferson’s Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed about Thomas Jefferson. But just nine votes behind was the late Howard Zinn’s left-wing epic, A People’s History of the United States. Bad history, it turns out, transcends political divides.” It’s an article worth reading, no matter what you think of the two books in question.

The Allure of Child Preachers – The BBC writes about the curious allure of child preachers. “An 11-year-old boy in the US has been ordained as a minister in his family’s church, and also preaches at a number of local churches. He is the latest in a long history of American child preachers – so what is the appeal?”

God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.

—David Nicholas

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