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A La Carte (8/31)

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Too Great a Good for Caesar
John Mark Reynolds offers a good perspective on health care. “Even fans of the President should be hesitant to give the government such powers. The Obama plan may be passed with great intentions, but Obama will not be President forever. Worse men may come to power and use increased government control of health care to enforce their will. Caesar naturally wants more power, but the same government that runs the police, the armed forces, and the prisons should not also come to dominate medical choices. Reasonable citizens must not plan for the saints who will govern us, but for the great sinners.”

The Perfect Body
Here is something for parents to think about. “According to a study published in the journal BMC Public Health, children as young as 10- and 11-years-old already have notions about the ideal body. An analysis of more than 4,000 students from Nova Scotia revealed that young girls’ happiness with their body image is directly linked to how thin they are. Boys, on the other hand, were happiest when they were neither too lean, nor too heavy.”

Banish the Honeymoon
This is good food for thought: “But what if the whole idea of going on a honeymoon is mistaken? Consider the underlying message this sends. After what is usually a public ceremony with friends and family, the newly minted husband and wife abruptly escape from the very community that helped them consecrate their vows.”

The Next Disney Star
WSJ talks about the next Disney star, showing how Disney is manufacturing the successor to Hannah Montana.

What Good Deed Must I Do?
We had the privilege of having Thabiti Anyabwile preach at Grace Fellowship Church yesterday. It was a powerful message that combined exposition with personal testimony. It’s well worth the listen!

Deal of the Day: Death Penalty on Trial
Monergism Books is offering a good discount on Ron Gleason’s The Death Penalty on Trial.

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