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A La Carte (8/3)

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Wallis vs. Mohler – This ought to be an interesting debate: Jim Wallis vs. Al Mohler on “Is Social Justice an Essential Part of the Mission of the Church?”

The Road to a Downgrade – This article offers a short history of the entitlement state. It’s worth a read.

Misleading Words – While we’re talking money and politics, Thomas Sowell shows how rhetoric favoring blacks has no relationship to economic reality.

Pray for Your Pastor – Bob Glenn shares items you can pray for your pastor. “As leaders in the church we have unique and often more intense temptations (‘Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter’). So will you consider praying for your pastor the way I ask my people to pray for me?”

Hannah Coulter – Russell Moore on why you should download and listen to Wendell Berry’s Hannah Coulter, free this month from ChristianAudio.

John Piper on Cru – John Piper: “Since Campus Crusade for Christ announced (and explained) that it will change its name to Cru, some donors have withdrawn support from Crusade staff. I am writing to say: That’s not a good reason to withdraw your support.”

Single Living – Paula Hendrick has a few questions she’d like to ask single people.

Most Alive – This is a very sweet video of the late John Stott answering the question: “When do you feel most alive?” His multi-faceted answer is brilliant (it involves worship, friendship and bird-watching).

The ordinary Christian with the Bible in his hand can say that the majority is wrong.

—Francis Schaeffer

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