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A La Carte (8/27)

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Capturing and Holding Attention – Sam Crabtree: “Capturing and holding attention is simultaneously an art and a science. To the degree that attention-grabbing is a science, is learnable, is transferrable—here are 24 suggestions that come to mind.”

Gospel Thunder – As Timmy Brister says, in this video you’ll see Jackie Hill bringing gospel thunder.

Pro-Lifer Stockholm Syndrome – “A ferocious riposte from pro-life activist Hilary White on the Akin controversy, how pro-abortionists are fallaciously and cynically exploiting the issue and how many pro-lifers are caving…”

Animals in the Womb – “Using revolutionary four-dimensional scanning technology, scientists have shed light on the world of animals inside the womb, including that of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, and elephants. The images are from a National Geographic Documentary called Extraordinary Animals in the Womb.”

Life-Changing Preaching – Paul David Tripp’s shares some more great thoughts on preaching. “It is necessary for me to live with a passage, to carry it around with me, and to marinate my soul with its nourishing and thirst-quenching waters. I simply can’t do this in a couple hours. I need meditative time with the passage so the Spirit can work through it in me and through me to the people under my care.”

A Story of God’s Faithfulness – Here is a powerful story of God’s faithfulness through trial.

The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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