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A La Carte (8/26)

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Wikipedia To Make Changes
I find this very interesting (and a good lesson on human nature). “Wikipedia, one of the 10 most popular sites on the Web, was founded about eight years ago as a long-shot experiment to create a free encyclopedia from the contributions of volunteers, all with the power to edit, and presumably improve, the content. Now, as the English-language version of Wikipedia has just surpassed three million articles, that freewheeling ethos is about to be curbed.” It seems that even Wikipedia cannot overcome human nature.

BibleWorks, Logos, Accordance
Keith Mathison has reviewed all three of these packages and he offers up a comparison of them along with recommendations of which is best.

Clothing Tips for Ministers
I somehow stumbled across this article by Don Whitney and quite enjoyed reading his tips on how a minister should go about building up a wardrobe.

Family Worship Guide
This site, set to officially launch in just a couple of days, looks like it will be a very good resource for any families seeking to begin or to improve their times of family worship.

Of First Importance
Greg Gilbert has a must-read article at the 9Marks blog in which he articulates some things about a whole strain of contemporary Christian thinking. “Time after time, in book after book coming off of Christian presses, the highest excitement and joy is being ignited by something other than the sin-bearing work of Christ on the cross, and the most fervent appeals are for people to join God in doing this or that, rather than to repent and believe.”

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

    I’m quite certain you have heard of the New Age movement. Though its popularity seems to have crested and begun to wane some time ago, it continues to wield a good bit of influence. But I wonder if you’ve heard of another similarly-named but quite different movement called New Thought.

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    It is not simply that we as a culture have lost our knowledge of God, but that in so doing we have also lost sight of ourselves. “Who am I?” is the question of the age.

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    If I Could Change Anything about the Modern Church

    I have often been asked what I consider the greatest weakness of today’s church or what I would change about today’s church if I could. Such questions make for good discussion at a conference Q&A session but they are also pretty much impossible to answer in a compelling way. It’s not like any of us…

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  • Closet

    How To Learn To Pray

    Christians are well-resourced with tremendous books that teach the theology and the practice of prayer. Many churches and ministries offer powerful classes that teach why we must pray and how we must pray. We are truly blessed.