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A La Carte (8/24)

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Tired of Hearing “The Gospel” – Thabiti goes on a bit of a rant in this post. It’s worth reading. “It’s ubiquitous. And it’s becoming an inflexible law. We dare not face any issue without the requisite hat tip to ‘the gospel.’ If we do, there’s bound to be someone to write us a ticket for our verbal violation, to insist we missed a ‘gospel’ opportunity.”

The Disciplined Pursuit of Less – This article has given me some pretty good food for thought. The author shows how success is a catalyst for failure.

Practical Law-Gospel Theology – Tullian Tchividjian describes a difficult situation his church is going through. “Our church was recently hit with a high-ranking moral tragedy. It was discovered that a staff member (and close friend) was engaging in marital infidelity.” Read how he has begun to lead his people through this.

A Bachelor Pastor – This is a powerful message from a bachelor pastor who is about to get married.

$5 Friday – There are several good deals in Ligonier’s $5 Friday. They include two books by R.C. Sproul and one by Richard Phillips. There are also some good teaching series.

We Waste 40% of Our Food – In the West we have unparalleled prosperity and that generates unparalleled waste. “Each year, about 40 percent of all food in the United States goes uneaten. It’s just tossed out or left to rot. … By one recent estimate, Americans are squandering the equivalent of $165 billion each year by rubbishing so much food.”

The Reward of His Suffering – Matt Papa has just released a new single; all the profits are going to missions. The song begins at about 1:40.

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.

—Charles Spurgeon

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