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A La Carte (8/23)

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A few people have asked about updates to Friends of the Blog. I’ve got good news. On September 1 there will be some great new items for the taking, including a $15 gift certificate from Westminster Books along with a new book from DayOne. So be sure to check in on September 1.

Reformed and Charismatic – I love Michael Horton’s emphasis on the ordinary means of grace (which was also, of course, an emphasis of the Reformers) as he considers the charismatic gifts. “Obviously, those who believe that miraculous prophecy continues after the apostolic age should not be lumped together with radical movements like the New Apostolic Reformation. Nevertheless, it does provide an occasion to think carefully about the compatibility of Reformation theology with Charismatic emphases.”

The Prayer of the Lord – Here’s another entry in the “great quotes” series I’m posting over at the Ligonier blog. Speaking of Ligonier, they’ve just welcomed the first class to Reformation Bible College. “Even though the Ligonier staff has been working diligently for several years, this college is 452 years in the making.”

A Free Film – Subscribe to David Murray’s new blog and you’ll get a free download of his film CrossReference: The Angel of the Lord.

Opal Ring and Piping Bullfinch – A great little anecdote from the life of Charles Spurgeon.

Soul Surfer – Jared Wilson has a review of the film Soul Surfer. “Here’s my beef, and I’m sure I will take some flack from somebody for this. Bethany Hamilton’s story is inspiring and encouraging, and I’m sure she has real saving faith in Jesus Christ, but the message of the movie Soul Surfer appears to be ‘I can do all things through moralistic therapeutic deism which strengthens me.’”

Deselecting Our Children – “Here’s a recent Danish headline: ‘Plans to make Denmark a Down syndrome-free perfect society.’ The Danes want to promote aborting fetuses with Down syndrome, so their society will be free of such people around 2030. One bioethicist describes it as a ‘fantastic achievement.’”

Freshman 15 – “Dining hall food gets a bad rap, but incoming college freshmen don’t seem to have a problem packing on the infamous ‘freshman 15.’ Honoring that tradition, here are 15 ways incoming freshmen (or upperclassmen for that matter) can seek to glorify God as they head off to college this month.”

Triple Play – It doesn’t get much weirder than this.

When we cannot, by searching, find the bottom, we must sit down at the brink and adore the depth.

—Matthew Henry

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