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A La Carte (8/20)

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We Can Trust Him – J.D. Greear: “We cannot manipulate God, but we can trust him, and that is far better.”

5 Reasons We Don’t Evangelize – Mike McKinley writes for the 9Marks Journal: “I’d like to suggest five reasons that churches and church members don’t share the gospel as part of their normal course of life. Other articles in this Journal suggest ways to remedy this situation, but for now let’s stick with diagnosing the problem.”

Why We Talk in Tongues – Here’s an article in the NY Times about speaking in tongues. “LAST month I was in Accra, Ghana, to learn more about the African version of the new charismatic Christian churches that have become so popular in the United States and are now proliferating in sub-Saharan Africa, especially Ghana and Nigeria. What struck me was how much people spoke in tongues”

When the Battle Was Lost – As he travels between New Zealand and Australia (lucky guy!) Thabiti Anyabwile recounts an interesting meeting he attended years ago, and as he does that, he shows how the battle over homosexual marriage was lost.

Hostile to Boys – This is a short but interesting read from TIME: “In the name of zero tolerance, our schools are becoming hostile environments for young boys.”

Who Will Stand – Be sure to watch this short video that shows a remarkable man.

When you desire to be most alive to God, you will generally find sin most alive to repel you.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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