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A La Carte (8/17)

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Popular Highlights – At Amazon you can see the most highlighted passages from the books read by Kindle users. “We combine the highlights of all Kindle customers and identify the passages with the most highlights. The resulting Popular Highlights help readers to focus on passages that are meaningful to the greatest number of people. We show only passages where the highlights of at least three distinct customers overlap, and we do not show which customers made those highlights.”

Who Respects the Human Body? – Nancy Pearcey writes for WND explaining how it came to be that “Gender has become a postmodern concept – fluid, free-floating, completely detached from physical anatomy.”

McKnight Interviews McLaren – There is so much to say about this video which chronicles Brian McLaren’s growing arrogance (“I understand what it’s like to work with that old narrative…”) and his diminishing theology.

A Bedtime Story – I got a laugh out of reading about this bedtime story. “I am sure that the lady who wrote this was so amazingly kind and wonderful. She loves her children and grandchildren. I am sure that she wants them to grow up with strong Christian beliefs and principles. I think however she misses the point. You will see in a moment. She takes classic nursery rhymes and puts a Christian moral twist to it. The only problem is she misses the mark completely.”

Mongolian Throat Singing – This is bizarre but strangely fascinating.

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