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A La Carte (8/14)

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The Unforgivable Sin – Jonathan Pennington, associate professor of New Testament interpretation at Southern Seminary in Louisville, takes on this always-pertinent question: What is the unforgivable sin Jesus spoke of? I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked that one.

All the Radical I Can Manage – Barnabas Piper: “Sometimes faith isn’t radical; sometimes it’s just holding on. It’s not intellectual in the slightest and neither is it particularly well-argued. It doesn’t seek to change the world or do anything dynamic. It is not on any mission and it’s not a unique use of gifts. It is just holding on tight because that’s all it can do at the time.”

5 Things I Learned in Canada – Daniel Darling was in Canada last week to speak at a Gospel Coalition event in PEI (an event I spoke at last year). I’m linking his article mostly because he boasts about my co-pastor Paul Martin, but also because he gives you reasons you should attend the event next year.

5 Worst Books for Your Children – Here are 5 books you shouldn’t read to your children. “The following five works of fiction do not encourage and inspire the love of reading in children. They’re terrible books for kids. If you make your children read these they will develop a loathing for reading that will last their whole lives and may possibly poison their very souls. Let’s see why.”

Gospel Centered Discipleship – Gospel Centered Discipleship has a pretty good collection of ebooks and, for a limited time, they’ve marked them all down to $0.99.

When There Is Nothing to Say – This is another difficult but helpful article on helping others through their grief. It suggests what you might say or do when there is nothing to say.

I hold it to be a fact, that if all persons knew what each said of the other, there would not be four friends in the world.

—Blaise Pascal

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