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A La Carte (8/11)

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We have enjoyed our time in Chattanooga (particularly the two visits to McKay’s used books); today we are heading to Woodstock, Georgia to spend a couple of days with my sister and her family. And then we’ll be heading north again…

Looters: Them or Us? – Mike Ovey offers an interesting and biblical perspective on the looting going on in Great Britain. “The disorders straight after the death of Mark Duggan may have been riots with the associations of protest that brings, but by now a better word than rioters is looters, because the focus seems so strongly on violent theft.” Here’s another that is less biblical but no less interesting.

Facebook Guidelines – This is a very helpful article for pastors. “How should Pastors use networks like Facebook and Twitter? My first recommendation is that if you’re married your spouse should have full access to your Facebook account. I recommend this for all married people not just pastors. My wife and I share one Facebook account. Beyond this, consider some Do’s and Don’ts for pastors who update and tweet.”

PhotoBlog – “This is by far the most amazing story I have ever been a part of. I’m still awestruck as I write this, but I am so very happy to be able to tell it. … Twenty-plus kids from the youth group sobbed uncontrollably and prayed on the sand during the search, a truly heart-wrenching sound.”

Pronunciation Guide – Here’s a helpful YouTube channel.

Amazing Old – Jim Elliff writes about preparing to be an amazing old man or old woman.

Sin is a plague, yea, the greatest and most infectious plague in the world; and yet, ah! how few are there that tremble at it, that keep at a distance from it!

—Thomas Brooks

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