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A La Carte (8/11)

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Monday August 11, 2008

Juno and Jennefer
At Paradox Uganda is an interesting post contrasting the movie Juno with a real-life case of teenage pregnancy.

The Religious Olympics Opening
A short, good post from John Mark Reynolds about the opening ceremonies.

Olympic Schedule
Speaking of the Olympics, here is a easy-to-use schedule that will tell you what’s going on when (if you care).

Greatest Sports Moments
To celebrate the release of his book, Game Day for the Glory of God, Stephen Altrogge is hosting a “Greatest Moments in Sports History” contest.

Perspire to Retire
I can identify with this person’s experience of saving for retirement. “I was all fired up to save for the future. Then I found out I was a day late and about, um, $90,000 short.”

C.J. Mahaney Sermon Archive
This page is worth a bookmark. It is a soon-to-grow archive of C.J. Mahaney sermon resources.

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