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A La Carte (8/1)

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Basic Christianity – This month’s free audiobook from ChristianAudio is a classic: Basic Christianity by John Stott.

3 Distinctive Aspects of Biblical Faith – I remember reading this in an R.C. Sproul book years ago and being helped by it. “I think the whole concept of faith is one of the most misunderstood ideas that we have, misunderstood not only by the world but by the church itself. The very basis for our redemption, the way in which we are justified by God, is through faith. The Bible is constantly talking to us about faith, and if we misunderstand that, we’re in deep trouble.”

Dates, Doctrine & Dead People – Nathan Busenitz is beginning a new blog series on why you should care about church history. I was considering taking on this same topic, so I’m glad to see him do it!

Snowden Is Not the Story – “The press has lost the plot over the Snowden revelations. The fact is that the net is finished as a global network and that US firms’ cloud services cannot be trusted.” And, “While the press concentrates on the furor surrounding Edward Snowden’s search for political asylum, it has forgotten the importance of his revelations.”

Bedtime – Al Mohler points to scientific evidence to what we all know–that kids need a regular bedtime.

But He’s Not My Neighbor – “It seems to me that we have, perhaps, inadvertently reversed the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus’ point in the parable is that our neighbor is anyone in need. In order to make this point clear, he tells the story of the Samaritan coming across a man who was beaten and robbed. Even though this man was culturally his enemy, he takes action and helps.”

I can say from experience that 95% of knowing the will of God consists in being prepared to do it before you know what it is.

—Donald Barnhouse

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