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A La Carte (8/1)

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Happy August. It’s a holiday up here in Canada, something we call the Civic holiday. It’s one of those weird holidays where most people get the day off, but some don’t. I’m not sure yet which camp I’m in. I need to add up my week and see if I can afford a day away from the office.

Listen Like a Man – The folks at Grace to You respond to some criticism of John MacArthur’s approach in his letters to the Young, Restless, Reformed.

A Trying Month – My friend Trevin Wax writes about what has been a trying month in the life of his family. Pray for this family!

Mandy’s Story – The Resurgence shares a tough-to-read excerpt from Justin and Lindsey Holcomb’s book Rid of My Disgrace, a book about sexual assault.

NIV Review – Dan Wallace has an extensive review of the new NIV and it’s quite a good read. Andy Naselli’s got a table of contents if you’d like to give it a go.

Vacation Stress Levels – This rings true.

Images of Auschwitz – This is a haunting photo gallery of images taken at Auschwitz.

Jesus was never guarding himself, but always invading the lives of others with his holiness.

—Phillips Brooks

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