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A La Carte (7/7)

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House of Shelves – This is my kind of house. “Floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall shelving defines a compact, 557-square-foot home in Osaka prefecture, Japan, designed by Japanese Architect Kazuya Morita. Designed for a young historian with an extensive book collection in Islamic history, Morita designed the house with interlocking laminated pine boards that slot together to form a lattice of towering shelving units.”

Google+ – John Dyer writes about Google+, Google’s attempt to meet the challenge of Facebook. “The key feature to the whole thing is the concept of ‘Circles’ which is Google’s attempt to solve the biggest problem that has arisen from social networking.”

Ash Covered Landscape – There is something fascinating and almost apocalyptic about this gallery of pictures from southern Chile.

Discovery 360 – Here’s a 360 degree view of the Space Shuttle Discovery’s flight deck. The computer screens look like they are older than I am!

Casey Anthony – Chris Brauns, author of Unpacking Forgiveness, helps us think through the Casey Anthony case.

The Genderless Child – Gene Edward Veith writes about a couple who is raising a genderless child and says “I thought we were supposed to believe that sexual identity is not a choice, but rather an innate condition, that, in the words of Lady Gaga, ‘I was born this way.’” And that brings us to this ugly article in which a professor gender studies talks about how Lady Gaga’s song is actually doing a great disservice. What a mess.

Unity Through the Gospel – I have been writing about Romans 14 over the past few days. Someone sent me this article which makes an interesting point–all of the deep theology in the first 13 chapters of the letter to the Romans has been pointing people to gospel unity. “The way the apostle builds up to this primary purpose is a great reminder that a deeply rich theology of salvation is the basis for unified relationships in the Church.”

One leak will sink a ship; and one sin will destroy a sinner.

—John Bunyan

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