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A La Carte (7/7)

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Lessons Learned Behind the Microphone – Now that Al Mohler has recorded his final radio show, he takes time to reflect on what he learned through all those years. He also shares what’s ahead.

What Is the Gospel? – Greg Gilbert’s book What Is the Gospel? is available free for Kindle and iBooks. This is a limited time kind of thing, so don’t dawdle!

DVD Sale – Desiring God has all of their DVDs on sale this month. And while we’re on the subject of DVDs by great ministries, Ligonier Ministries will send you R.C. Sproul’s Chosen by God DVD series for a donation of any amount. Click here to check it out.

Back to North Korea – “Like most North Koreans, Son Jong Nam knew next to nothing about Christianity when he fled to neighboring China in 1998.Eleven years later, he died back in North Korea in prison, reportedly tortured to death for trying to spread the Gospel in his native land, armed with 20 bibles and 10 cassette tapes of hymns. He was 50.” (HT:Z)

Questions to Ask About Global Warming – JT links to a very useful video that shares questions Christians should ask about global warming.

Vuvezela Concert – This is both amusing and horrifying:

Your Hands by JJ Heller – This, on the other hand, is just plain beautiful.

K-LOVE – JJ Heller “Your Hands” LIVE from K-LOVE Radio on Vimeo.

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