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A La Carte (7/5)

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Sono Harris Is With Jesus – Pray for the Harris family. “Today, July 4, 2010, at approximately 11pm, our dear mother, Sono Sato Harris, passed away and went to be with her Lord Jesus Christ. It was an entirely peaceful parting. Our family is grieving, and yet grieving as those who have hope because of Jesus’ death and resurrection for us. Goodnight, Mama.”

WTS Moving Sale – Westminster Books is moving and in order to atone for a few days in which they cannot ship orders, they have put a bunch of great resources on sale.

Ministry, Guilt and Seasons of Life – This is a fantastic article from Jani Ortlund in which she challenges women, mothers especially, not to live under the shadow of guilt. “As a young mother everyone wants something from you—your family, your church, your boss, your neighbor. And most likely, you give way more than you ever thought you could. But along the way guilt nibbles at your soul, eating away your inner peace and joy. And it often lingers through the years, even after your children are grown and gone.”

Livingstone’s Lost Letter Deciphered – “The contents of an ‘indecipherable’ letter written by David Livingstone shortly before he met Henry Stanley have been revealed for the first time. The so-called Letter from Bambarre was scribbled by the Scottish explorer on torn-out book pages in February 1871.”

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