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A La Carte (7/4)

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Happy Independence Day to all of my American friends. Is that the correct July 4 greeting? Of course the greeting may seem a little bit disingenuous coming from the country that currently has a prince and princess touring it…

An Historian Reading Bonhoeffer – Michael Haykin on Metaxas’ biography of Bonhoeffer: “A big book, it looks like an authentic historical read. Of course, Metaxas gets the basic facts right, but is it good history? In portraying Bonhoeffer as a North American evangelical, has he read Bonhoeffer rightly? The scholarly answer is no.”

Texting Teens – An infographic that shares information about teens and their texting habits.

Logos’ Catholic Resources – I was sorry to read this from Logos: “Logos already offers significant resources of interest to Catholics and to those interested in understanding Catholicism, but there will be many more coming soon, including Catholic-oriented packages. These packages will bring together the full functionality of Logos 4 with Catholic Bibles, magisterial documents, as well as exegetical and theological works.” – Some people are too ingenious for their own good. This little program converts your Facebook feed into what looks like an Excel spreadsheet so it does not arouse the suspicions of the boss.

Do Leaders Need to Be Holy? – Here’s some encouragement (and potentially rebuke) for leaders. “My answer to this question is that personal holiness is the most important issue to leadership success. I realize that this is a fairly bold statement, so let me take a moment to back it up.”

Cutest Kids – A couple of the world’s cutest kids. They’ll help make your Monday morning just a bit better.

If my heart is right with God, every human being is my neighbor.

—Oswald Chambers

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