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A La Carte (7/3)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Virginity Rocks…But not on a T-Shirt
This article from Boundless is worth reading just for this one section: “You see, since being married I’ve learned a lot about the differences between the male and female mind. I’ve learned how something that may seem innocuous to me may be viewed as sexual by a male. I’ve learned that a young man reading “Virginity Rocks” on a tight, hot pink t-shirt is probably not going to immediately start contemplating purity. And it was discouraging that this young lady didn’t seem to be aware that her message was not matching her medium.”

Duncan and Keller on Women in the Deaconate
Here is the audio from the discussion that Ligon Duncan and Tim Keller had at the 2009 PCA GA concerning the role of women and the deaconate. I think Duncan does an especially good job of arguing that the deaconate is open only to qualified men.

Good News for Toronto
My friend PMac is interning at our church this summer, working as an evangelist. He has begun a blog to share some of his experiences.

Fancy Fast Food
I love the premise of this site. “These photographs show extreme makeovers of actual fast food items purchased at popular fast food restaurants. No additional ingredients have been added except for an occasional simple garnish.” They can somehow make a Big Mac look delicious.

July Wallpaper
Fancy up your desktop with some new wallpaper courtesy of Smashing Magazine.

Deal of the Day: Fabulous Fridays
CBD has a few good deals in this week’s Fabulous Friday sale. There are a couple of Randy Alcorn books for $5.99 and $0.99, Prince Caspian book plus audio book for $3.99, Mohler’s Culture Shift for $5.99 and a picture book of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for $1.99.

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