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A La Carte (7/28)

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John Stott’s death has already generated a lot of memorials. Here are a few that I found particularly interesting: Sandy Grant, Mark Meynell, Andy Le Peau and Timmy Brister. Many more will follow in the days to come.

When Tumor Markers Rise – This is a powerful article from Mike Pohlman. “My wife Julia impresses me more every day. For over two years now she has valiantly and gracefully endured stage four breast cancer. When I look at Julia I am reminded of the words Abraham Lincoln said of Ulysses S. Grant in a rising tide of criticism against him: ‘I can’t spare this man; he fights.’”

You Just Don’t Get Me – I appreciated Julian’s comments on John MacArthur’s letters to the Young, Restless and Reformed crowd.

Pornification – Ed Stetzer is posting what looks to be a promising series on the subject of pornography. On a similar note, Paul Tautges is asking father’s to consider listening to “Sex & the Single Man,” by Mark Dever from the 2004 Desiring God Conference.

The Norway Attacks – The Big Picture has a photo gallery dealing with the aftermath of the shootings in Norway.

And here are a few deals you may wish to take advantage of. Westminster Books is offering the SOUL series (Christianity Explored for young people) at a deep discount. Reformation Heritage Books is having an inventory reduction sale and offering some good deals. Shepherd Press is selling off “scratch and dent” books at just $2.99 each.

It is better to get wisdom than gold. Gold is another’s, wisdom is our own; gold is for the body and time, wisdom for the soul and eternity.

—Matthew Henry

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