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A La Carte (7/26)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Why Are There Bibles In Hotel Rooms? – You’ve probably heard of the Gideons and you’ve definitely seen their Bibles here and there. This article tells how they came to be and how those Bibles end up in hotel rooms.

Planning Your Preaching – H.B. Charles Jr. writes about an important part of planning your preaching–planning not to preach at certain times.

Screwtape’s Letters In One Sentence – Andy Naselli has reduced each of Screwtape’s letters down to a single sentence.

Hamilton’s Adultery and ApologySmithsonian goes back in history and recounts Alexander Hamilton’s affair with Maria Reynolds, only the first in what would become a long line of American political scandals related to adultery.

Laying Down the Law – Paul Tripp: “In my many years of pastoring, counseling, and traveling, I’ve found an all-too-common and dangerous theme among Christians: no one lays down the law better than the one who thinks they’re keeping it themselves.”

In What Are We United? – “Organizational unity instead of gospel unity is death. The failure of Christian ministries, be they church or para-church, commences when they lose their direction and become organizations that demand organizational unity over theological unity in the service of the gospel.”

Happy is that man, that can be acquitted by himself in private, by others in public, and by God in both.

—Joseph Hall

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