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A La Carte (7/21)

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Monday July 21, 2008

The Most Colorful Creatures in the World
ColorLovers has a gallery of Nudibranchs, the most colorful creatures in the world. “Part of the mollusk phylum, Nudibranchs are the shell-less relatives of the snail and are known for their garish colors.”

New for Logos
New in prepublication at Logos is An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews by John Owen (in 7 Volumes).

The Golden Compass Trilogy?
An article in “The Independent” says “Sources in the film industry said that plans for a sequel to The Golden Compass appeared to have been put on ice following the fervent Christian protests surrounding the first film, which led to boycotts and box office disappointment in the United States. “

Homeschooling is not the Gospel
Here is an interesting article by Brian Sandifer dealing with something of the homeschool culture he has found (as a homeschool dad).

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