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A La Carte (7/20)

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Adam Wainwright Looks to Christ – Tim Ellsworth writes about the faith of baseball player Adam Wainwright. “The Atlanta Braves drafted Wainwright in the first round of the 2000 amateur draft, and in rookie ball his first roommate was Blaine Boyer, now a relief pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks. In Boyer, Wainwright found someone who was a committed Christian and who lived a godly lifestyle. Wainwright took notice, and began talking to Boyer about why his life was different.”

Trusting God in the Storm – Abigail, writing at Abigail’s Leftovers, discusses a way of having good spiritual discussion with children when they are facing scary weather.

Christ Formed in YouChrist Formed in You: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change will be released on October 1, 2010 (by Shepherd Press). Here you can read some excerpts from the book, just to whet your appetite.

High Noon at Church – Here’s an article about the trials Tullian Tchividijian faced last year after taking over the pulpit at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. “Tullian Tchividijian is the grandson of evangelist Billy Graham. There, that’s out of the way. But maybe even more important in his bio is the fact that he took over the congregation of D. James Kennedy after his 2008 death. But it was a transition that did not go easily when a number of members, including Kennedy’s daughter, tried to oust Tchividijian.”

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