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A La Carte (7/20)

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Can Kindle Take Your Books Away?
Can Amazon’s Kindle just take your books away? They sure can! James Grant has the story. “This morning, hundreds of Amazon Kindle owners awoke to discover that books by a certain famous author had mysteriously disappeared from their e-book readers. These were books that they had bought and paid for–thought they owned.”

When the Boat Comes In
Four-and-a-half centuries of Scotland’s social and religious history was closed yesterday, but only a couple of dozen people turned up to publicly mourn the passing of strict Sabbath observance. Around 200 people, however, came to cheer the first-ever scheduled sailing of Caledonian MacBrayne’s ferry Isle of Lewis from Stornoway to Ullapool yesterday afternoon.

Why Winning Athletes Are Getting Bigger
I can’t say much about this person’s theory, but some of the facts in the story are interesting. “Specifically, while the average human has gained about 1.9 inches in height since 1900, Charles’ research showed that the fastest swimmers have grown 4.5 inches and the swiftest runners have grown 6.4 inches.”

Christian Conferences in Canada
Canadians will want to check out the Sola Scriptura site to see some of the conferences that are coming to Canada this year.

Deal of the Day: NASB Wide Margin Reference Bible
Monergism Books is offering 40% off Cambridge NASB Wide-Margin Reference Bibles, Black Goatskin Leather, Black French Morocco Leather & Hardcover. Cambridge Wide-Margin Reference Bibles also available in ESV.

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