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A La Carte (7/2)

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Wednesday July 2, 2008

John Eldredge Leaves Thomas Nelson
John Eldredge becomes just the latest big-name Christian author to sign a deal with a mainstream publisher. In this case, he has signed with Doubleday. The mainstream publishers are realizing how much of a market there is for this kind of book!

The Death of Life Writing
An interesting story in the Guardian suggests that the age of great biographies is coming to a close. “Seen close up, and with an eye to proper detail, biography appears in rather a bad way. ‘Crisis’ would probably be putting it too strongly, not least because it suggests a certain convulsive energy. ‘Sclerosis’ might be nearer.”

Birthday Party Snub
“An eight-year-old boy has sparked an unlikely outcry in Sweden after failing to invite two of his classmates to his birthday party.” Oh boy…

A great photo from Iraq.

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