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A La Carte (7/18)

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Friday July 18, 2008

Pray for Tom Ascol
Timmy Brister requests prayer for Tom Ascol who is facing some strange medical problems.

Things to Like About $4 Gas
TIME lists ten benefits that may come about on the back of $4 gas.

Black & White Twins
Here’s a story of twins born to an interracial couple. One twin is black-skinned with brown eyes like his mother, while the other is white-skinned and blue eyed, resembling his father (HT: TA).

Driscoll on Packer
Mark Driscoll describes some time he spent with J.I. Packer earlier this week.

What I’d Like You to Know
Guest-blogging at Rocks in My Dryer, Molly Piper writes about how to reach out to a friend in grief.

The Gift of Opposition
John Ortberg writes about the gift of opposition.

Chess Boxing
This may be the strangest sport I’ve ever heard of.

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