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A La Carte (7/16)

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Wednesday July 16, 2008

Proof that Hope is Never Lost
There is a lot of buzz surrounding Josh Hamilton, especially after his amazing showing in the Home Run Derby on Monday. Josh is a Christian who shares a powerful testimony of God rescuing him from serious drug addiction. You can read it at ESPN.

Doubleday Signs Wilkinson
Bruce Wilkinson (The Prayer of Jabez) has signed a two-book deal with Doubleday. “Wilkinson’s forthcoming title ‘will once again ignite the marketplace and transform lives.’”

Top Ten Things I Learned…
Molly Routson at Peacemaker Ministries’ blog shares her “Top 10 Things I Learned on our Trip to South Asia.”

4 AM Conversation with a Homeless Man
Brother Eugene shares a poignant experience as he ministered to a man in China.

ESV Study Bible
Click the link and look to the right and you can download the Introduction from the Psalms. This ESV Study Bible looks like it is going to be an incredible resource.

Sale at Monergism Books
Monergism Books is having a sale on all Banner of Truth books and multi-volume sets. Add at least $25 to your cart and use coupon code banneroftruth to receive 10% off their already low prices.

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